Ben in Hong Kong©

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I now have my flat to myself!! Nikki has now found a new home which is right next to the Southorn Playground and therefore not very far from me. Her new flat is very Chinese. It's hard to explain that phrase in exact terms, but it has clouds painted on the ceiling and some type of Greek theme going on in the bathroom. Hell it is easy to explain in exact terms, it's a bit tacky.

It is a nice place though, quite large and big rooms too. Problem is that it is not furnished. That coupled with the hefty deposit Nikki and her 2 flatmates have paid for the place means that furnishing the new pad is going to be a slow process.

In other news (and this is just for the ex Hong Kong crew who read this) Eberneezers has a new Kebab shop opposite Carnegies!! life is goooood.

I leave you with a picture from a kind of welcome back dinner some of had earlier this evening.


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