Ben in Hong Kong©

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sunny Overtime

Most of the last half of this week I have been doing stupid amounts of overtime at work to try and get an event I am running on Monday problem free. Which is why I ended up at the office on Saturday morning for 5 hours trying to put the last pieces together. Working on a Saturday is a bit rubbish, but what is especially rubbish is that the weather is now AMAZING whilst I am stuck inside.

I took this picture on the way home of Hong Kong Island. It has rained almost non stop for the last three weeks so to get a clear day in typhoon season is really lucky. Not only that, but the weather is going to stay like this till Tuesday and I get Monday afternoon off (for the overtime I did today) so beach here I come!

Here are some more pics.

In other news Kat visited Honkers and we were going to show her the nightlife of Hong Kong.

except she got so drunk she does not really recall ever leaving my flat...


robynandben said...

Ahh so random to see you all together! Wish I was there if only to make a physical barrier between Kat and vodka! xx

Anonymous said...

i dont think it would have helped, it had been so long since she had drunk anything that even the smell would have set her off.