Ben in Hong Kong©

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rain is coming

Typhoon season is fast approaching and Hong Kong is due to be hit by around 5 - 7 typhoons this summer according to the weather experts. The typhoon grading system has changed slightly so we now have either a typhoon, a strong typhoon or a super typhoon. I think calling the strongest possible level of death causing weather "super" is a little strange as it can be read two different ways.

So before the unpredictable weather hits I am trying to take advantage by going on some hikes and camping trips etc. The picture above was taken on my hike over the Wan Chai mountain last week and I have two camping trips planned over the next two weekends which should be cool.

My weekend so far has been event filled. I visited my physiotherapist who is making some serious improvements to my bad back on Saturday morning and had sushi for lunch with a friend. I then took part in the company "scavenger hunt", which involved rushing round Hong Kong looking for clues and completing tasks. One of the tasks was to lay on a bed in Ikea with my entire team and have someone take a picture of us, which got strange looks. Saturday night I went to a very famous restaurant that serves Peking duck, there were 8 of us there and we consumed three ducks with pancakes and it was seriously tasty stuff.

It's now Sunday morning and the plan is to go for a run then cook my lunch for the following week at work. Later today I am going to a house party where you have to bring a type of Cheese. Im going for some smelly cheese.


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