Ben in Hong Kong©

Monday, January 14, 2008

On the back of the dragon

On Sunday a small group of unlikely people decided to walk from Shek O beach across many mountains to Chai Wan, on a trail known as the 'Dragons Back'.

With us was a trained trek instructor who also works in the office. He was very serious about his job.
At one stage I stopped to get a stone out of my shoe whilst the rest of the group went on ahead. Our instructor waited behind with me, I told him he did not have to wait and to go ahead. He then looked shocked and in a very lecturing tone explained 'Ben, I have to wait behind with the last of the group'.
Whilst I am thankful for his obedience to the trekker code of conduct, there were young children running around us at that stage without supervision, so I felt like a bit of a dick having a babysitter.

The weather was really misty and cool which actually was a good thing because the day before it was baking hot and not trek weather at all.

Waiting for instructions from our fearless leader.

Rosie, was it something she said?
The journey itself was really nice with spectacular views. Someone joked that it would be a good opportunity for us all to work on attaining enlightenment. However, Richard was a bit rude in conversation topics for most of the journey, so it turned out to be anything but!
It is Monday evening now and I am heading to bed. Nikki came tound to mine earlier and I cooked her a big healthy stir fry and we watched tv. I think i might be the only supplier of vegetables to her system!


Anonymous said...

I hope you told her it was I who cut up those vegetables..... glad you had a great day trekking. Do not think my lungs, in the condition they were in, would have stood up to the hills. read your email re car hire. xx

Anonymous said...

King of wanchai is getting buff eh!
