Ben in Hong Kong©

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Political event

On my last day in Hong Kong, on the day I am leaving for a crazy 5 week recruitment trip, this is what I want.

I want calm, I want to be left alone, I want to organize and not feel stressed out.

What I do not want is to suddenly be given 5 minutes notice that I am going to a political lunch event, with photographers and reporters.

When I was told I had to go I looked down at myself and tried to explain to my boss that trainers and jeans were probably not smart enough for a political event. That excuse failed though and I was told in no uncertain terms that I was going.

Whilst running around the office looking for my jumper I found out that we were going to the lunch with students from a school we work with. These students in particular being from low income family backgrounds.

On the journey to the hotel I asked my boss why on earth students were going to the event, and what it had to do with politics. In her usual direct manner her reply was something like this.

"In the public eye this political party are seen as being naughty, if they buy food for poor students, then they will seem less naughty".

She also said the party was tied to trade unions that had connections to the school. However, you could tell by all the photographers trying to catch snaps of the childrens wide open eyes staring at giant chocolate fountains that this was, as she initially suggested, a total political media event.

I sat next to a ''senior photographer'' from a national newspaper. He gave me his business card, then I reached into my wallet to exchange and realized that I had packed all mine to go home! So instead, I presented him with a company pen, holding the pen at both sides and dipping my head slightly, as is the custom.


1 comment:

robynandben said...

Hehe that is Classic. You'll miss it when your away...maybe. Looking forward to seeing you! Happy travels! XxX